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WFO Radio Fantasy NASCAR League Results – Race 18 (2020)

WFO Radio

Below are the results after race 18 (Texas) of the 2020 WFO Radio NASCAR Fantasy League from Driver Group Game.

We will do our best to keep this updated (and error free!) and have it posted prior to Ignition broadcast each week.

Link to the WFO League is https://drivergroupgame.com/league/wfo-radio/standings/, but you will need to log in to access.

Race 18 Top 10:

1 Bug Barn 357
2 El Flaco 346
3 Rich_in_Saugus 341
3 Yooper1 341
5 Spidermonkeyracing 336
6 Aviator Racing 334
7 Keen racing 332
8 Smothered n Covered 330
9 Rusty Racing 328
10 Low Blinker Fluid 322

Race 18 Biggest Gainers/Losers:

  Team   (+/-)
Most points Bug Barn 357 11
Biggest Gainer Bug Barn 357 11
  Smothered n Covered 330 11
Biggest Loser Patrick the Webmaster 112 -19


  Race 18 – WFO Radio Fantasy League Scorecard 2020
  Team Points RANK +/- Behind Wins Top 5 Top 10
1 Motorhead55 5224 0 2 3 5
2 Team12 5151 0 -73 1 3 5
3 Hockey Kid 5119 0 -105 1 4 5
4 ElephantRacers 5067 0 -157 1 4 5
5 Gsenkow 5055 0 -169 0 2 3
6 Bug Barn 5054 11 -170 2 4 5
7 Yooper1 5045 8 -179 0 2 5
8 Keen racing 5043 6 -181 0 1 4
9 Racing5032 5026 4 -198 1 1 4
10 Chicken.pit.special 5019 6 -205 0 2 3
10 Royal Flush Racing 5019 -2 -205 1 1 4
12 High_Line_Real_Fine 4997 -1 -227 0 0 1
13 Smothered n Covered 4990 11 -234 0 1 4
14 BeerRitaRacing81 4987 -8 -237 0 2 3
15 Dirty Hippies 4967 -3 -257 1 1 3
16 “Bad Brad” 4963 -6 -261 0 2 4
17 raeindy 4950 6 -274 0 1 3
18 Jambalaya J Racing 4949 2 -275 0 2 3
19 BBQBOB 4948 -1 -276 0 2 2
20 Car24Fan 4936 1 -288 0 2 2
21 IcanseeherAlmirolas! 4920 4 -304 1 3 4
22 MrFantasyNASCAR 4917 5 -307 1 2 4
23 Dayracing21 4915 -14 -309 0 2 4
24 GIOinMIA 4912 -5 -312 0 2 5
25 easye009 4903 1 -321 0 3 5
26 Patrick the Webmaster 4881 -19 -343 0 0 3
27 Fat-tire22 4864 1 -360 0 5 6
28 El Flaco 4836 9 -388 1 3 3
29 Rich_in_Saugus 4833 7 -391 0 2 4
30 CervixSplitter 4818 3 -406 0 0 2
31 Double 0 dead on 4812 -1 -412 0 2 2
32 Spidermonkeyracing 4808 7 -416 0 2 2
32 Stubo-SGCrewchief 4808 -1 -416 1 1 3
34 “YungMoneyKyleLa…tNitroFanatics”! 4802 -2 -422 0 0 2
35 Loa’s Chingones 4797 0 -427 0 1 3
36 El Jefe 4780 -2 -444 0 2 3
37 Sacramento Racin Fan 4776 -15 -448 1 3 4
38 DrivingHard 4768 2 -456 0 0 2
39 Willybracing 4765 -1 -459 0 0 1
40 Southern_RacerX 4751 -11 -473 0 0 1
41 Aviator Racing 4717 8 -507 0 1 4
42 CraiginNewhall 4710 1 -514 1 2 2
43 Bullswool 4693 5 -531 0 1 1
44 SithRacing 4691 2 -533 0 1 2
45 Hockey Dad 4676 0 -548 0 1 3
45 Blurple Hog Fan 4676 -1 -548 1 1 2
47 WFOJoe 4672 -6 -552 0 0 0
48 Fltri 4654 -6 -570 0 0 2
49 DRT99 4648 4 -576 0 0 1
50 Team English 4622 1 -602 1 2 2
51 MILLERMAN2BRIAN 4611 1 -613 0 2 2
52 raceguitar 4543 3 -681 0 1 2
53 Rusty Racing 4529 4 -695 0 2 5
54 TEAMGRAY 4523 2 -701 0 0 0
55 East Bound & Down 4447 -9 -777 1 1 3
56 DRT Girl #2 4409 -6 -815 0 1 3
57 JJHZKRFAN 4296 1 -928 0 0 0
58 Heveyloner 4283 -4 -941 0 0 0
59 Low Blinker Fluid 4065 0 -1159 0 1 4
60 DRTGirl 3916 1 -1308 1 1 1
61 moonchild 3722 -1 -1502 1 1 2
62 NoodlezRacing 3141 0 -2083 0 1 2
63 The Real Muffler bearing 3093 0 -2131 0 0 1
64 DRail100 3080 1 -2144 0 0 1
65 a26guy 3046 -1 -2178 0 2 2
66 Vladthainhala 2759 0 -2465 0 0 0
67 PappaGator 2695 0 -2529 0 0 0
68 Miss shift bent valve 2687 0 -2537 0 0 1
69 Tominc 2679 0 -2545 0 0 2
70 NHbucnut442 2229 1 -2995 0 0 1
71 Loganmania 2096 -1 -3128 5 0 0
72 Little Loa 2036 0 -3188 0 0 0
73 TS6690 2026 0 -3198 0 0 1
74 Dragracer64 1957 0 -3267 0 0 0
75 Mwilliams71161 1767 0 -3457 0 0 0
76 Hog_Bass07 1687 0 -3537 0 0 0
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  • Total Score 0%
User rating: 90.00% ( 1
votes )
1 2 3 4 5

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