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WFO Radio NASCAR Fantasy League Results – Week 1 (2018)


Below are the results after week 1 (Daytona) of the 2018 WFO Radio Fantasy League from Fantasy Racing Cheat Sheet.

We will do our best to keep this updated (and error free!) and have it posted prior to Ignition! broadcast.

Link to the WFO League is https://fantasyracingcheatsheet.com/fantasy-nascar/games/dgg/league/613,  but you will need to log in to access.  

Week 1 Top 10:

1 @MrFantasyNASCAR 344
2 GoFastTurnLeft 295
2 El Jefe 295
4 Mrs Black Ice 294
5 Spidermonkeyracing 293
7 Bullswool 281
8 Car24Fan 280
9 Smothered n Covered 273
10 Black Ice 272


  Week 1 – WFO Radio Fantasy League Scorecard 2018        
  Team Points RANK +/- Top 10 Top 5 Wins
1 @MrFantasyNASCAR 344 1 1 1
2 GoFastTurnLeft 295 1 1 0
2 El Jefe 295 1 1 0
4 Mrs Black Ice 294 1 1 0
5 Spidermonkeyracing 293 1 1 0
6 NHRANUT 289 1 0 0
7 Bullswool 281 1 0 0
8 Car24Fan 280 1 0 0
9 Smothered n Covered 273 1 0 0
10 Black Ice 272 1 0 0
11 Beats41 271 0 0 0
11 Black Falcons 271 0 0 0
13 BBQBOB 266 0 0 0
14 jg24lkb 265 0 0 0
15 Sacramento Racin Fan 263 0 0 0
16 Jr2448 262 0 0 0
17 raceguitar 260 0 0 0
18 Tibby58 257 0 0 0
19 Low Blinker Fluid 251 0 0 0
20 Mrs. Dirty Hippies 248 0 0 0
21 JJHZKRFAN 246 0 0 0
22 NorthWestNitro!!!!!! 244 0 0 0
23 MILLERMAN2BRIAN 243 0 0 0
23 DRTGirl 243 0 0 0
23 Patrick the Webmastr 243 0 0 0
26 MsJaie48 236 0 0 0
27 The Blurr 235 0 0 0
28 ElephantRacers 234 0 0 0
29 Bugbarn 228 0 0 0
30 IcanseeherAlmirolas! 228 0 0 0
31 Team12 226 0 0 0
31 Hockey Kid 226 0 0 0
33 Fltri 225 0 0 0
34 WFOJoe 224 0 0 0
35 GIOinMIA 220 0 0 0
35 Yooper1 220 0 0 0
37 Aviator Racing 218 0 0 0
37 easye009 218 0 0 0
39 Borntobewild 215 0 0 0
40 Stubo-SGCrewchief 213 0 0 0
41 moonchild 207 0 0 0
42 DRT99 206 0 0 0
43 w00dchuck 205 0 0 0
44 The Holy Dale 203 0 0 0
45 Loa’s Chingones 201 0 0 0
46 DrivingHard 200 0 0 0
47 85Racing 197 0 0 0
48 Southern_RacerX 195 0 0 0
49 TEAMGRAY 189 0 0 0
50 Hockey Dad 183 0 0 0
51 TNMoneyman11 182 0 0 0
52 IntimidatorHarley 175 0 0 0
53 Vegas_Rules 173 0 0 0
53 DRT Girl #2 173 0 0 0
55 Brian in Louisiana 170 0 0 0
56 ButtSniffer Racing 166 0 0 0
57 Willybracing 164 0 0 0
58 Dayracing21 162 0 0 0
59 NHbucnut442 155 0 0 0
60 CraiginNewhall 152 0 0 0
60 Brianspink 152 0 0 0
62 Catchme 150 0 0 0
63 Dirty Hippies 142 0 0 0
63 jsnyder23 142 0 0 0
63 Gage48 142 0 0 0
66 Rich_in_Saugus 134 0 0 0
67 BeerRitaRacing81 130 0 0 0
68 Tominc 122 0 0 0
69 High_Line_Real_Fine 121 0 0 0
70 MissLittleLoa 95 0 0 0
71 Grrrowlguy 0 0 0 0
72 Agiannone531 0 0 0 0
73 Goin4broke 0 0 0 0


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