Get ready for the 2020 NHRA Drag Racing season with NHRA’s Alan Reinhart and WFO Joe Castello. Alan recaps pre-season testing from Las Vegas and the top stories heading into the first event of 2020.

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Feb 04, 2020WFO Podcast1
Get ready for the 2020 NHRA Drag Racing season with NHRA’s Alan Reinhart and WFO Joe Castello. Alan recaps pre-season testing from Las Vegas and the top stories heading into the first event of 2020.
Check out the WFO Store! It is loaded with books about Drag Racing, all kinds of super fun stuff, and a few products to keep you healthy. There is nothing in there that we wouldn't get. Feel free to submit products that you think are worth it. WFO!
Hey Alan. Just wanting you to see the Facebook group that I started a few years ago that is having expontential growth. I would love to be on your podcast to promote it.¬if_id=1612237628170676¬if_t=group_comment&ref=notif