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WFO Radio Fantasy NASCAR League Results – Week 10 (2019)

WFO Radio

Below are the results after week 10 (Talladega) of the 2019 WFO Radio NASCAR Fantasy League from Driver Group Game.

We will do our best to keep this updated (and error free!) and have it posted prior to Ignition broadcast.

Link to the WFO League is https://drivergroupgame.com/league/wfo-radio/standings/,  but you will need to log in to access.  

Week 10 Top 10:

1 Car24Fan 334
2 CraiginNewhall 326
3 Beats_1 322
4 Rich_in_Saugus 320
5 Royal Flush Racing 298
6 MrFantasyNASCAR 296
7 WFOJoe 295
8 Fine Time To Lea…e Me Loose Wheel 290
8 Yooper1 290
10 Bug Barn 288

Week 10 Biggest Gainers/Losers:

  Team   (+/-)
Most points Car24Fan 334 10
Biggest Gainer CraiginNewhall 326 15
Biggest Loser Little Loa 38 -36


  Week 10 – WFO Radio Fantasy League Scorecard 2019
  Team Points RANK +/- Behind Wins Top 5 Top 10
1 Patrick the Webmastr 3041 0 0 3 5
2 IcanseeherAlmirolas! 3040 0 -1 0 2 2
3 Car24Fan 2976 10 -65 1 2 4
4 Royal Flush Racing 2962 4 -79 1 2 2
5 MrFantasyNASCAR 2960 3 -81 1 1 2
6 Jambalaya J Racing 2957 -1 -84 0 1 3
7 Rich_in_Saugus 2948 9 -93 0 2 2
8 Bullswool 2922 -2 -119 1 1 2
9 CraiginNewhall 2920 15 -121 0 3 3
10 Bug Barn 2906 7 -135 0 1 3
11 ElephantRacers 2902 -1 -139 0 0 1
12 Southern_RacerX 2892 9 -149 0 1 3
13 TNMoneyman11 2891 6 -150 0 1 2
14 Smothered n Covered 2873 0 -168 0 1 1
15 Tominc 2871 -3 -170 0 1 1
16 Team12 2867 4 -174 1 1 1
17 Double 0 dead on 2861 -10 -180 0 1 2
18 Fine Time To Lea…e Me Loose Wheel 2856 11 -185 1 1 3
19 DrivingHard 2850 -1 -191 1 1 1
20 Fat-tire22 2847 5 -194 0 1 2
21 Sacramento Racin Fan 2841 5 -200 1 1 2
22 Keen racing 2824 11 -217 0 0 1
23 Stubo-SGCrewchief 2823 8 -218 0 0 1
24 Team English 2818 5 -223 0 2 3
25 El Jefe 2795 -14 -246 0 0 2
26 Black Ice 2785 -3 -256 0 0 1
27 Willybracing 2784 5 -257 0 0 0
27 DRTGirl 2784 -12 -257 2 2 3
29 raeindy 2773 -2 -268 1 1 1
29 DRail100 2773 -26 -268 0 2 4
31 LugNutts 2765 6 -276 0 1 2
32 moonchild 2757 4 -284 0 0 0
33 Yooper1 2753 13 -288 0 0 2
34 a26guy 2749 8 -292 0 1 4
35 High_Line_Real_Fine 2748 -1 -293 0 1 2
36 Miss shift bent valve 2746 4 -295 0 0 0
37 Mrs. Dirty Hippies 2745 -9 -296 0 1 1
38 Low Blinker Fluid 2741 -3 -300 1 2 3
39 Hockey Dad 2740 6 -301 0 0 1
40 Little Loa 2735 -36 -306 0 1 3
41 Hockey Kid 2723 6 -318 0 0 1
42 GIOinMIA 2720 -4 -321 0 0 1
43 Dayracing21 2710 1 -331 0 0 0
44 jg24lkb 2696 -1 -345 0 0 1
45 Dirty Hippies 2679 -4 -362 0 0 2
46 DRT99 2674 5 -367 1 1 2
47 WFOJoe 2673 8 -368 0 0 1
48 BeerRitaRacing81 2672 4 -369 0 0 0
49 Spidermonkeyracing 2669 -1 -372 0 1 1
50 BBQBOB 2666 3 -375 0 0 1
51 DRT Girl #2 2647 -12 -394 0 0 1
52 85Racing 2644 -2 -397 0 0 0
53 SRX2 Racing 2641 -31 -400 0 0 0
54 JJHZKRFAN 2633 0 -408 0 0 0
55 Loa’s Chingones 2630 1 -411 0 0 0
56 NorthWestNitroFanatics!!!! 2628 3 -413 0 1 1
57 Beeristol 2626 1 -415 0 0 2
58 MILLERMAN2BRIAN 2605 -1 -436 0 0 0
59 Beats_1 2571 5 -470 0 1 1
60 Aviator Racing 2561 2 -480 0 0 0
61 Mrs Black Ice 2542 0 -499 0 0 0
62 TEAMGRAY 2503 -2 -538 0 0 1
63 NHbucnut442 2473 0 -568 0 1 1
64 Mark_23 2429 -16 -612 0 0 0
65 easye009 2411 2 -630 0 0 0
66 DRT20 2373 0 -668 0 0 1
67 Fltri 2333 1 -708 0 0 0
68 raceguitar 2283 1 -758 0 0 0
69 BuffaloButtBreath Racing 2221 -4 -820 0 0 0
70 bwestdyke24 1861 0 -1180 0 0 0
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  • Total Score 0%
User rating: 100.00% ( 1
votes )

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